Embracing the Reality of Life

Is Not My Current Dream

1 min readOct 17, 2022
““Embracing The Reality of Life ”|© Design by the Author: Kiran Kumar

Embracing the reality of life
is not my current dream.
All I wish to do is hide
beneath the wings of hope
and a bed of dreams.
Where happiness and contentment
are themes of every day,
where starvation and hunger
are not words in our dictionary
and neither are pain, hurt
or destitution.
Where love beats wildly
in the hearts of all mankind,
and kindness pours freely
like a…




I Am: A Mother,Poet,Entrepreneur, Empowerment & Pro-Ageing Advocate, Podcaster, and Speaker. Click the link to find out more: https://linktr.ee/iamkirankumar